Wednesday, March 26, 2008

weekend trivia n tips

- India Gate looks beautiful at night so dont forget to pick ur camera, I did!
- Lights get switched off by 10, so be there early if you want to catch it in its full glory.
- you'll enjoy playing all childhood game there like blindfold, pakdam-pakdai and kho-kho :)

- Even decent holi can be great fun if all the ppl that matter the most to you are there :)
- Small children's faces look even more lovelier with color :)
- You dont need to be put into washing m/n if you played holi only with gulal

- Akshardham temple is huge, beautiful and looks majestic in the evening
- The musical fountain is a great xp!
- The food-joint inside isn't that good, so eat only ice-creams

- Great India Place, noida is no doubt great, but if you go in group, stay together!
- Never park your car in GIP basement parking, you'll only need close to an hour to find it back
- Pizza hut n' KFC serve good food but first watch your waste-line :)


crasiezt said...

Good tips man!
Knew some, while others were new:-)

Gunjan Aylawadi said...

nw wats dat dude?? :P

DS said...


Waste-line is that waist-line after which ppl start to treat you like waste:) okie! no justification, typo-my fault!Spellcheck cant catch these error only observant readers like you :)

crasiezt said...

Hahaha I thought you wrote "waste line" intentionally!!

busy-writer said...

hehe, neat!

and lol @ the "waste"-line once again. :P

thanks for dropping by my blog! :)

busy-writer said...

ahem, referrin to your comment on my blog...where are you in your background??

DS said...

look carefully, its there in the bkgrnd! I just made it quite dark (to save electricity as dark bkgrnds consume less moniter enrgy, :)

busy-writer said...

hmm i even dusted my screen just now and saw...cant find nythin :(

tis all black to me! :|

DS said...

Someday there'll be light and my shadow will become bright :)